The six Austrian AAL test regions organized a workshop at the eHealth Summit Austria 2017. The workshop with title „Assistive solutions put into practice – Experiences from the Austrian AAL pilot regions“ had two sessions (as extracted from the programme):
- Presentation of the region projects with their lessons learnt
WAALTeR: Planning phase – Challenges related to preparing the project proposal
Smart VitAALity: Planning phase – Boundaries for planning pilot studies
RegionAAL: Requirements specification and system design – involvement of users
ZentrAAL: Pilot study – Preparation, organization and implementation
moduLAAr: Pilot study – Technological and organizational challenges in the field
West-AAL: Pilot study – Study results as basis for follow-up activities

- open discussion in a fishbowl like style
Which criteria play a crucial role for successfully implementing and deploying AAL and similar solutions? (from legal and ethical viewpoint, from a user perspective, from a technical viewpoint, from an organizational and financial viewpoint)
Can experiences and best practices be transferred? (to other national and international pilot regions, to similar pilot projects in the health sector)
Maria Fellner (JOANNEUM RESEARCH / DIGITAL) represented RegionAAL.