ANDA Nursing Symposium 2018

Our project RegionAAL was presented at the Nursing Symposium 2018 of the Austrian Nurse Directors Association (ANDA). The symposium took place from 6 to 8 June 2018 in beautiful St. Veit im Pongau. The ANDA working group deals with current questions and developments in nursing management and supports the establishment of a communication network between nursing experts in Europe.

The latest scientific and practical findings on the main topic “Nursing Management 4.0: Big Data – Robotic – Digitization: Fiction and Reality!” were presented by internationally renowned speakers and deepened in workshops with the participants. The health, safety and communication assistance technologies deployed in RegionAAL were presented and demonstrated in workshop 2 on “Technological support for intra- and extra-mural care”, which was held four times due to keen interest.