Is Styria a pioneer in the area of “Healthy Aging”?

Can Styria define itself as an international model region for projects and activities in the area of “Healthy Aging”?

This and other similar questions were presented to participants of the fourth Health Executive Lounge 2015 des Human Technology Cluster Styria. RegionAAL was presented by Maria Fellner (JOANNEUM RESEARCH) as an introduction to the topic. In the subsequent panel discussion, Gerd Hartinger explained the significance of the test region for the Geriatric Health Centers in the city of Graz (GGZ) and also provided numerous examples of assistive technologies which are currently being tested or used in GGZ.

Key results of the discussion were that “Active Aging” – also know as an actively supported life for all people – is becoming increasingly important for our society and is therefore even more desirable that the numerous existing technologies finally enter the market and, subsequently, are applied in real life settings.

What happens at the Austrian AAL test regions?

© Salzburg Research
© Salzburg Research

RegionAAL was presented, amongst other previously launched AAL Austrian test regions, during the 7th e-Health Day in Salzburg, organised by Salzburg Research. This allowed for the description and discussion of various interim stages of the project (survey of requirements, technical implementation, rollout for evaluation, available reports of evaluation) where the Austrian test regions currently stand. This allowed an interesting insight into the event for participants and also generated further questions, for instance: What happens after the pilot projects? When will technologies be available for an individual or individuals, and how much will these solutions cost?

Kick Off Meeting

Project team at Kick Off meeting
Project team at Kick Off meeting

On October 19th 2015 the partners met for the official start of the project in Graz. In this work meeting administrative issues were discussed as well as the goals and expectations of each of the partners.
The meeting was also used to get to know all members of the project team and to clarify questions regarding documentation and project management issues.

AAL Forum 2015

AAL-Forum-2015_RegionAAL-Poster_webThe conceptual framework of project RegionAAL was presented to the public for the first time during the AAL Forum 2015 in Ghent (22-25 September 2015). Initial interest in the project has already been expressed by providers of AAL solutions because they are keen to evaluate the applicability and acceptance of their products and services.